Registration Now Open for 33rd Annual
West Virginia Great Teachers Seminar
The West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission and the Community and Technical College System with support from the WV Advisory Council of Faculty will sponsor the 33rd Annual West Virginia Great Teachers Seminar in June at North Bend State Park. Like its counterparts across North America and beyond, the seminar is based on the principle that teachers are the experts in teaching and learn best from each other. It will focus on innovations and challenges of instruction in higher education. Faculty members from every higher education institution in West Virginia are encouraged to apply.
The workshop focus is not on teaching specific disciplines, but rather on the art of teaching. The GTS is based on the notion that, if properly tapped, the collective wisdom, experience and creativity of any group of practicing educators far surpasses that of any individual expert or consultant. The structure of the seminar evolves from the initial innovations and challenges workshops. Experienced and inexperienced college educators learn from each other.
To ensure a quality experience, enrollment is limited. Each college and university may register for one or two faculty slots for the seminar. Marshall and WVU may register for more. WVHEPC funds programing. Institutions determine who will be funded for travel/lodging/meals from each campus. Please notify Barbara Ladner of your interest and apply to the unit at your school responsible for selecting participants (e.g., VPAA, faculty development committee, dean). Institutions: please send selected participant names and contact information to Barbara Ladner, for distribution of registration materials. Participant registration forms must be submitted by June 1st. Registration is free (paid for by WVHEPC). The total cost of lodging for 3 nights is approximately $450 (plus tax if not paid with a tax-exempt college p-card) payable to North Bend State Park at checkout. Double occupancy is possible, if sharing with a colleague from your institution is desired. The group meal plan starting with lunch on Monday and ending with breakfast on Thursday will cost approximately $220 including tax and gratuities. Participants only – no spouses or children – please.
Questions? Contact Barbara Ladner at or (304) 634-5397.